Can anyone help? KY, TN, OH, VA, WVA area.

From: DaPurpleRT (
Date: Sun Dec 14 2003 - 00:13:01 EST

OK, my piston rings are worn, truck is running badly. I'll hve the money to
buy parts to fix it and some forged pistons in Jan. However, don't think
I'll have the money to pay someone to do the work and besides that I'd
REALLY love to do it myself to learn. Problem with this is I've never done
anything more than basic bolt-ons and have had trouble with that before. LOL

I am in extreme eastern KY and I was wondering if anyone around could help
me out in ANY of the following ways:

1. Have me bring it to your place and get the work done in 1 or 2 days or
work for a couple days, I come home, then I come backmy next few days off
and finish.

2. Come over here and help me do it.

3. Lend me a cherry picker and/or engine stand for a week or two.

4. Help me out in any other way you can think of. LOL

I could probably even come up with a small sum to pay for ya helpin' or to
rent the picker/stand if need be....

I doubt anyone can but hey, it's worth a try to send a distress signal out
across the Dak channels though huh? LOL

TIA guys,

99 DA RC R/T

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