Re: josh and the terrible no good very bad day

From: Pindell, Timothy (TPindell@OTTERBEIN.EDU)
Date: Wed Dec 17 2003 - 09:35:24 EST

You're preachin' to the choir, my friend. Don't you just love a liberal arts
education and all the fscking papers that come with it?!?!? It gave me a
leg up on getting a decent job, but now I'm stuck paying for a degree I
don't use. <sigh> BUT, now I can afford the tools to work on my OWN Mopars
in my OWN garage. Remember, a degree is for the long term. Don't let it
get you down or prevent you from cracking a few cold ones now and again.

>(fucking finals. I don't stress over tests, but ENOUGH WITH THE PAPERS.
>oh yeah, and my work ethic for something I don't want to do is worse than
horribly dismal. I don't want to write these papers!)

B.A. in Psychology, working as a Network Administrator <shrug>

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