"Michael Maskalans" <dml@tepidcola.com> wrote in message
> > This is one that I wish you luck with. Dakota owners have bemoaned the
> > lack of aftermarket lock-outs since the dawn of the Dakota. Warn, Mile
> > marker, and Superwinch have collectively ignored the Dakota market for
> > as long as the market has existed.
> really? that's a pisser. until now I hadn't realized the completeness
> of the stupidity of a front drivetrain that was always turning. My
> only thoughts were those of the wasted economy and extra wear, not the
> possibility of the acceleration of catastrophic failures.
You know if you're willing to spend the money, you can get *ANYTHING* made
up custom just for you. When I was first looking into balljoints for my
truck, I found a company that would make me any style I wanted for about
$200 a joint. They also make just about every other suspension part out
there. A quick google search turns up a few places like this.
Although, it might be more cost effective to find locking hubs that will fit
in your current spindles and just modify them instead.
-- - Josh Lowered 2000 Dakota CC 3.9L www.geocities.com/lenny187/dakota.html
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