Bill Day wrote:
> Well, I have checked out a few sites, energy suspension, suspension
> connection etc.. The more common sites, nothing.. Looks like a call to
> theh stealership tomorrow, god how I hate their prices.
May want to check with NAPA, they usually have pretty good pricing and
most of the parts I've picked up in the past have also been available
from them.
> If I get these from the dealer, what am I looking at for an install myself?
> I'm not a complete moron when it comes to automotive work but need to know
> if this is something I can do on my truck or not and whether I have the
> tools or not to do the task.
It's gonna be a HUGE pain. I'd offer more, but we all know that this
will lead to scraped knuckles and bruising already. Depending on how
the bushings are in there you may need a press to get them out and the
new ones in. Addidionally, you will need to know how to unload your
torsion bars safely so that you can remove the control arms without
injury. Take your time and I'd recommend some sort of service manual.
-- - Josh Lowered 2000 Dakota CC 3.9L
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