Re: Daytime running lights not working !

From: droo (
Date: Mon Jan 19 2004 - 16:58:21 EST

On Sun, 18 Jan 2004 20:27:11 -0500, Michael Maskalans <>

> On Jan 16, 2004, at 17:55, droo wrote:
>> DRL's are to make you visible as an oncoming vehicle. Nothing to do with
>> people behind you.
> Ja....
> and that's why I dislike their implementation.
>> And those people who leave them on into dusk are the people that
>> wouldn;t turn on their headlights at the same time.
> I think a lot of people who would otherwise think a little more decide
> that since they have DRLs that they can push the dawn/dusk envelope.

I would like to point out that the rear end of all vehicles have reflectors
on them. So anyone approaching from the rear will make out the vehicle if
their lights are on. I don't have DRL's so I can't honestly say if just
those alone in a dusk/dawn situation are enuf to illuminate the reflectors.
At any rate, I don't see that the rear of a vehicle being lit like that is
imporatant. The DRL's make vehicles visible to cross traffic. Not having
your tailights on is similar to aparked vehicle. That's how I view the
situation. The head lamp systems that really work best are the ones that
turn themselves on.


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