I am done. well, at least I will be when I finish installing my [clear] headlights. They've only been sitting in my shed for a year and a half... Otherwise, I have nothing left that I want to do to it, nothing practical at least. Oh, I still thing white neon under the bedrails would be helpful at times, but that's mostly bling bling. Other than that, I have 10-15 k left on my BFG's worth of time to decide if I am brave enough to switch to MT's from ATKO's. But that is maintenence, not a mod per se.
Yup, I think I am done.
>>> SilverEightynine@aol.com 01/22/04 01:22PM >>>
Terrible Tom wrote:
> ...Us here on the DML are nothing like that - - nooo - we um.. we have a..
(ponders)... we need to build up our trucks for ... medicinal purposes
yeah! Thats it - we have a disease and working on our trucks is all that
can keep the terminal disease at bay.... (cough hack cough wheeze) I
think I need to go work on a fuel system sitting in my garage....
(shifty eyes look around)
-- -------------------------------------------------------------- Terrible Tom -- AIM & Yahoo Name: SilverEightynine
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