""BARRY OLIVER"" <DHSPA58@dhs.state.il.us> wrote in message
> Well, I can't think of anything else I WANT to do, heck the Spotlight was
90% bling bling.... for now I really am done. After my warranty expires, I
will just switch to the motus operandi of upgrading broken stuff only.
> You have my number, and it's about darn time you came down here. Mebbie
we could coordinate with bill Day, chris Reck, etc. and have a mini-meet....
a spotlight != bling bling. spotlight = police OR redneck. =P
Anyway... I'll give you a buzz if i'm gonna be in the area. It might be
cool to get a mini-meet going, but I see superbowl sunday being a downfall
to that effort.
-- - Josh Lowered 2000 Dakota CC 3.9L www.geocities.com/lenny187/dakota.html www.omg-stfu.com
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