Midwest meet in Central Illinois, [superbowl?]
From: BARRY OLIVER (dhspa58@dhs.state.il.us)
Date: Sat Jan 24 2004 - 18:55:55 EST
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- Maybe reply: BARRY OLIVER: "Re: Midwest meet in Central Illinois, [superbowl?]"
- Maybe reply: BARRY OLIVER: "Re: Midwest meet in Central Illinois, [superbowl?]"
- Maybe reply: BARRY OLIVER: "Re: Midwest meet in Central Illinois, [superbowl?]"
- Maybe reply: BARRY OLIVER: "Re: Midwest meet in Central Illinois, [superbowl?]"
- Maybe reply: BARRY OLIVER: "Re: Midwest meet in Central Illinois, [superbowl?]"
- Maybe reply: BARRY OLIVER: "Re: Midwest meet in Central Illinois, [superbowl?]"
- Maybe reply: BARRY OLIVER: "Re: Midwest meet in Central Illinois, [superbowl?]"
- Maybe reply: BARRY OLIVER: "Re: Midwest meet in Central Illinois, [superbowl?]"
- Maybe reply: BARRY OLIVER: "Re: Midwest meet in Central Illinois, [superbowl?]"
- Maybe reply: BARRY OLIVER: "Re: Midwest meet in Central Illinois, [superbowl?]"
- Maybe reply: BARRY OLIVER: "Re: Midwest meet in Central Illinois, [superbowl?]"
- Maybe reply: BARRY OLIVER: "Re: Midwest meet in Central Illinois, [superbowl?]"
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Hey guys, Josh and I had an idea for a mini-meet somewhere in east-central illinois on superbowl sunday, maybe someplace with a bigscreen and beer. Anybody interested? Anybody host or know of a place?
Bill? Charles? Chris? Jon?
MCP, A+, Network+, Server+
Efficiency is doing things right.
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Character is doing the right thing when nobody is looking.
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- Next message: Aaron Wyse: "Re: replacing timing chain on 1998 dakota 2.5 liter"
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- Next in thread: Josh Battles: "Re: Midwest meet in Central Illinois, [superbowl?]"
- Reply: Josh Battles: "Re: Midwest meet in Central Illinois, [superbowl?]"
- Maybe reply: BARRY OLIVER: "Re: Midwest meet in Central Illinois, [superbowl?]"
- Maybe reply: BARRY OLIVER: "Re: Midwest meet in Central Illinois, [superbowl?]"
- Maybe reply: BARRY OLIVER: "Re: Midwest meet in Central Illinois, [superbowl?]"
- Maybe reply: BARRY OLIVER: "Re: Midwest meet in Central Illinois, [superbowl?]"
- Maybe reply: BARRY OLIVER: "Re: Midwest meet in Central Illinois, [superbowl?]"
- Maybe reply: BARRY OLIVER: "Re: Midwest meet in Central Illinois, [superbowl?]"
- Maybe reply: BARRY OLIVER: "Re: Midwest meet in Central Illinois, [superbowl?]"
- Maybe reply: BARRY OLIVER: "Re: Midwest meet in Central Illinois, [superbowl?]"
- Maybe reply: BARRY OLIVER: "Re: Midwest meet in Central Illinois, [superbowl?]"
- Maybe reply: BARRY OLIVER: "Re: Midwest meet in Central Illinois, [superbowl?]"
- Maybe reply: BARRY OLIVER: "Re: Midwest meet in Central Illinois, [superbowl?]"
- Maybe reply: BARRY OLIVER: "Re: Midwest meet in Central Illinois, [superbowl?]"
- Maybe reply: BARRY OLIVER: "Re: Midwest meet in Central Illinois, [superbowl?]"
- Maybe reply: BARRY OLIVER: "Re: Midwest meet in Central Illinois, [superbowl?]"
- Maybe reply: BARRY OLIVER: "Re: Midwest meet in Central Illinois, [superbowl?]"
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