Re: stuck in truck?

From: andy levy (
Date: Fri Feb 20 2004 - 00:28:05 EST

Hash: SHA1

On 2/19/2004 10:37 PM, Mr. Plow wrote:

| While i don't have trouble believing that the door panel got screwed up
| enough (electrically) to cause the problems, the door unlocks when you
| pull the handle, at least it did on my 2000 MY.

Does on my '03 and did on my '99. I can't remember ever explicitly
unlocking my doors to get out, except for the times when I've had to
open the rear doors (they don't auto-unlock, and obviously don't unlock
from outside).

| Now, the other big hint that this is fake, exists in the video footage
| itself.
| Here's the story in a nutshell:
| Guy #1 gets stuck inside, and goes to see Guy #2
| They both wait until the next morning to see the dealer.
| Video shows Guy #2 leaving a garage with his vehicle to go see Guy #1
| that is sleeping in his Dak, OUTSIDE!!!!
| Now, if your friend was forced to spend the night sleeping in their
| vehicle, wouldn't you at least let him sleep in your garage? And
| personally if the garage wasn't heated, it would be better than just
| sleeping outside, and me being the thoughtful guy that i am, i would get
| a couple electric heaters and put them in the garage to help keep my
| friend warm.

Maybe they're both just really stupid? I hadn't thought about that
angle, but you're right. It was obviously cold and that had better be
one hell of a warm blanket to keep him comfortable overnight.

- --
- -andy -
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"Whatever Adam does, do the opposite and you'll be fine"
        -Bob Tom
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