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On 3/1/2004 10:45 AM, Pindell, Timothy wrote:
| Fellas:
| I'm going to be selling my '89 to my little sister. She's got a Daytona
| that's structurally challenged by a very nice custom rust job. It runs
| great, but it's falling apart. It's just not safe. She has zero
| with a clutch. We spent some time in a parking lot and she seems to be
| to get it moving about half the time without stalling. She's fiercely
| determined to be able to drive it competently. Do you guys have any input
| regarding teaching strategies for manual transmission neophytes?
Trying to remember how my friend Jake taught me a year ago. He
explained real quick the basic "how it works" inside the clutch &
tranny, then made me watch his feet while he worked things.
Really, practice is the best thing. Just keep encouraging her - it's
really easy to get pissed & frustrated when you're stalling out every
other attempt. Make sure she understands that everyone has trouble for
a while when they're getting started, it's normal and she's not
"unteachable." She *will* get it with a little practice.
And don't ever, ever, *ever* let Tom ask her if she's stalled lately. :)
- --
- -andy
http://home.twcny.rr.com/andylevy/dakota - andy-dml@levyclan.us
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"Whatever Adam does, do the opposite and you'll be fine"
-Bob Tom
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