On Wed, 17 Mar 2004 09:05:36 -0600, BARRY OLIVER <DHSPA58@dhs.state.il.us>
Well, I didn't think the ability to play mp3's was worth the extra $150
that the shop I was at wanted for the next player up. Especially since
I can burn regular CD's anyway. I have thought about adding either XM
or a CD changer, since mine will supposedly control either (I wonder if
it would handle both?) Does anybody have the alpine CD changer? How
big is it? I suppose a link yo alpine or whoever sells them would
It was only $50 more whn I bought it from crutchfield last spring. The head
unit will handle both xm tuner and cd changer. I think you might even be
able too hook up two cd changers. The tuner has a pass through.
-- -Droo
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