on 3/22/04 8:21 AM, BARRY OLIVER at DHSPA58@dhs.state.il.us wrote:
> By the way, you were going to show me a
> map of central Illinois that justified the drastic price differences
> within the same region...
No, I wasn't. I said I COULD. And, I said that MAY NOT BE THE CASE.
I would have to go to the EPA, but, you could, too.
It is FACT, some CITIES in the SAME AREA require different formulations of
fuels. I have seen a map of different areas requiring different fuels.
That 300% profit allows you to draw a paycheck. Kind of like cutting
one's nose to spite one's face, isn't it?
Er, well, not really.
But, kinda, right?
Anyway, the bulk of my argument is, still, the pricing
structure, not the price itself.
They can structure the price any way they want. That is the free enterprise
system. They set the price as they see fit. You are free to buy as much or
as little as you want. You also have the choice to buy a more fuel efficient
Since you werent getting my point
before, I tried an analogy. Guess that diddn't work either.
Seems like the facts haven't worked, either.
Oh well, guess this just isn't your day to be enlightened, heh.
See the above paragraph.
Some people are beyond enlightenment.
Next time you buy gas, go inside and price WATER. I hear no complaints at
over a dollar a PINT. Talk about a price structure.
Gasoline futures are as volotile as gasoline. Prices fluctuate. Check beef
prices. Demand went down due to the mad cow scare, and what did prices do?
They went UP. Why? Beef producers reduced the supply. I don't hear any
But, when coffee went up, there was a hue and outcry.
I would rather have a customer be able to afford
500 cheap new Dells instead of only 125 of whatever other brand. I get
more work doing the installs, and assuming the failure rates remanin
fairly constant (they do) I get more service and warranty work
If those Dells were sold real cheap, they couldn't afford to send you out to
do the warranty work. There is where the price markup goes into YOUR pocket.
Why do people think cheap gas is a birthright?
Don't like gas prices? Don't buy gas. Burn Coke or Pepsi. It costs more than
gas. And I'll bet it costs a bunch less to make, too.
If you don't like the gas price structure here, go overseas, where the bulk
of the price is in tax, and is in the neighborhood of $4-$5 a gallon.
Have a great day.
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