"BARRY OLIVER" <DHSPA58@dhs.state.il.us> wrote:
: Er, the guy at the sterio shop was hoping you were dumb enough to buy
: his BS story. He was lying to you through his teeth. I hate that, now
: I am mad..
(re: Infinity sytem and replacing components)
It may very well be different now, but back in late '95, when
I ordered my '96 Dak, the consensus was that with the Infinity
system, the whole thing should be changed out at once. That's
why I didn't order the Infinity system or a CD player - I was
going to immediately put in an aftermarket head unit. Had I
known that 8 years later I would still have the stock system, I
would have just ordered the Infinity system to begin with! :-P
So anyway, I don't know if this is still the case, or maybe
it was never the case, but around late 95 when I was checking
on it, everyone was saying that the infinity speakers have built
in amplifiers, which the Infinity head unit was designed to work
with, so the Infinity speakers wouldn't play nice with an
aftermarket unit, or vice versa. (Oh, and just to clarify, by
"everyone" I mean people on mailing lists, newsgroups, etc. not
salespeople with something to sell.)
-- -Jon-.-- Jon Steiger ---- jon@dakota-truck.net or jon@jonsteiger.com --. | 1970 Barracuda - 1990 Dakota 'vert - 1992 Ram 4x4 - 1996 Dakota | | 1996 Intruder 1400 - 1996 Kolb FireFly - 2001 Ram QC 3500 CTD | `------------------------------------ http://www.jonsteiger.com --'
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