> In article <>, ("BARRY
> OLIVER") writes:
>>Short and sweet, I just got let go. This Email address will be
>>non-functional after 1500 today, central time. Obviously I won't be
>>able to unsubscribe myself, so if someone wouldn't mind helping me out,
>>I would appreciate it. To those who are close, I will endeavor to keep
>>in touch.
>> -Barry
> Ok, I guess that wasn't so sweet after all. I don't really know what
> happened, because I have gotten vastly conflicting stories. The only thing in
> common is that "my services are no longer required." The most plausable
> explanation that I can come up with is the rumor that the last time my company
> re-bid this contract, they took a deep cut, and thusly had to reduce
> "overhead". Once my presence is missed at my former contract, I expect I will
> be replaced with a greencard chineese with an american first name and a whole
> lot of "paper certs" for about a third of my salary.
> Well, I am niether the first, nor, I am sure, the last that this will happen
> to [two of us "got it today], so there's no use belabouring the subject. For
> those of you that care about such things, my new DML Email address is:
> barrydakota "at" Clever ain't it?? I can also be reached at
> barryoliver "at" I guess that is all for now.
Crap! I'm sorry to hear about all this Barry - that really sucks
dude... anything I can do for ya? Lemme know ok?
-- -------------------------------------------------------------- "Why don't you ask me what it feels like to be a freak?"Terrible Tom -- AIM & Yahoo Name: SilverEightynine
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