Anne Baker wrote:
> That's right ladies and gentleman, it's Mike Maskalans' 21st birthday
> today. This means he'll be legal to drink at the BBQ this year, *and*
> can rent a car to get home if Steigermud bites a bit too hard. Happy
> Birthday babe!
> ~~Anne
Happy Barfday dude! I mean birthday hehe -- Great - just what the BBQ
needs - another drunkin lunatic with a 4x4! Woohoo!!
Good luck trying to get a rental car outta the Buffalo area being under
25! That's why I flew home last year. No one would rent to me. And
those who would wanted more than the freakin airplane ticket cost!!
I'll be rolling 23 years old in 4 days... Didn't know your birthday was
so close to mine Mike! I seem to recall you mentioning it before -
maybe when we went out to eat or something... but I'm not running on all
cylinders so I dont remember.
Enjoy 21 while it lasts... soon you will be an old man like Andy. *flee*
-- -------------------------------------------------------------- ***** Countdown to 2004 DML BBQ (95) Days Left! *****Terrible Tom -- AIM & Yahoo Name: SilverEightynine
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