Trans Pan Drain Plug?

From: Terrible Tom (
Date: Fri Apr 16 2004 - 20:44:16 EDT

Speaking of trans issues... I just picked up some AFT+4 and an preparing
to change the fluid on the Ram's 46RE...I also picked up from work, a
B&M Auto Trans drain plug kit. Consists of a bolt with a threaded plug
that goes into a 1/2 inch hole you drill in the fluid pan. Comes with a
nylon washer. Mike, I remember you trying to install a drain plug in
your trans pan and having it not work so well - don't remember how you
tried to do it. Was it with a kit? Anyone know how well these things
work? I don't feel like having to replace my trans pan if this isn't
going to work.

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Terrible Tom -- AIM & Yahoo Name: SilverEightynine

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