Re: [OT] Net lag record

From: Bill Pitz (
Date: Fri Apr 23 2004 - 11:46:17 EDT

On Thu, 22 Apr 2004 17:29:40 -0400, ("Jason
Bleazard") wrote:
>The full header is below, in case you're a nerd like me who finds this
>kind of thing interesting. Looks like it spent most of its time being
>spam and virus checked by our ISP ( I've recently been in an
>argument with their support droids over their Spamassassin implementation.
> It only catches about 50% of the spam, and I get a couple of false
>positives a week (things I signed up for that get marked as spam anyway).
>Since it doesn't work any better than that, I still have to do my own
>filtering anyway. I was asking them why they don't just turn it off and
>let my e-mail get through more quickly, and their answer was that most
>people aren't smart enough to do spam filtering on their own. In other
>words, we have to cater to idiots, so smart people suffer.

Wow, that is bad.

a.) I can't believe it's taking that long to run SA.

b.) I can't believe they implemented it systemwide without giving
users the option to turn it off.

I really can't believe that. This is the kind of stuff that I do for
a living and I spent so much time on our SA implementation it's almost
ridiculous. The first thing we did before even considering SA was
implement a way for users to turn it on and off themselves.

Since you have DSL, though, why not just handle all the mail yourself?
Or are they running you with PPPoE or DHCP so that your IP address
doesn't stay static?


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