Have you tried swapping ignition coils?
-----Original Message-----
From: Richard A Pyburn <rap777@juno.com>
To: dakota-truck@dakota-truck.net <dakota-truck@dakota-truck.net>
Date: Tuesday, May 04, 2004 2:37 PM
Subject: DML: Re: DML Start Up/Idle Problem
>Hey, Garret:
>Similar deal here in an otherwise trouble free for 9 years Dak. I've been
>talking with Bernd about it and trying different things, but no solution
>yet. Battery's new and of sufficient charge, coolant temp sensors (both)
>fine, IAC fine, PCV fine, SBEC fine, no fuel leakdown or pressure loss,
>etc. Like you, if the truck sits for more than a day, it doesn't run
>right when first started. After a brief drive, I can restart it and
>everything's fine. When it first started this stuff, it acted like I had
>a really wild cam in it (shook like a dog sh*tt*ng peach pits) and
>couldn't run in OD for about 5 miles. After that, everything was back to
>normal and it ran as strong as ever.
>Hope someone figures this one out.
>RIchard in San Antonio
>> ------------------------------
>> Date: Mon, 3 May 2004 19:53:41 -0400
>> From: "Garret Lewis" <ladysmithgwl@1bigred.com>
>> Subject: DML: Start Up/Idle Problem
>> Well, I'm still having some problems with my Dak when I start it up.
>> So, I'm
>> looking for a little input/help from the DML. Here is what happens
>> and what
>> I've done so far to correct the problem.
>> When you start my truck after it has been sitting, it does not idle
>> up. The
>> RPMs are only at about 800. Also, if it is cold out, the truck will
>> not stay
>> running. When it is cold, it basically fires up and then idles
>> right back
>> down and will cut off unless you keep your foot on the accelerator.
>> As a
>> side note, my truck does not get driven every day. Also, after the
>> truck has
>> run, when you start it up it idles up like it is suppose to.
>> Based on some information from the DML, I replaced the coolant
>> temperature
>> sensor. At first, I thought that this may have worked, but it was
>> back to
>> doing it again in about a week or two.
>> I replaced the throttle body temperature sensor. Same deal, no
>> luck.
>> So, has anyone else had this problem? Also, any ideas on a fix?
>> Thanks,
>> Garret
>> 1997, 4x4, cc, v8
>> http://garretl.tripod.com
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