On Wed, 12 May 2004 08:20:36 -0500, Josh Battles
<jbattles@bankfinancial.com> wrote:
> "andy levy" <andy-dml@levyclan.us> wrote in message
>> I think on early '99s it does, but I'm not sure. It's on trucks through
>> '00 but it definitely doesn't work on '00s, and didn't work on my '99.
> My 2000 has the "halo" but it doesn't illuminate. I've had the steering
> column apart before, and it doesn't look like it'd be that hard to
> connect
> it, there's a plug right on the thing. I'm sure that if I tapped into
> the
> right wires, it would only take like 20 minutes to run everything and
> make
> it pretty. It doesn't really bother me though, it's not like the keyhole
> is
> THAT hard to find in the dark.
> The halo on our Ram lights up, and it really doesn't do too much, IMO.
The ineterior lights stay on long enough to find the ignition. In my 96 it
did help a little bit cuz the lights didn't stay on.
-- -Droo
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