""Ronald Taylor"" <scsilverdakdml@hotmail.com> wrote in message
> I was attempting to have the job done by a shop that was located close to
> home, only to find out that I had seriously under-estimated the shops
> ability.
> Once they got into it, they realized they were in for more of a job than
> they figured. They also broke the pump module which I suspected when the
> Dakota wouldn't idle and they sheepishly
> brushed the job off afterward.........
That's mighty shitty of them. Is there any way that you can make them pay
for the replacement pump, since they broke the original one?
> Only option at that point was a New module, the other wouldn't work even
> it had the Holley pump installed.
Okay, that makes more sense now. I figured it was a straight swap out.
> I was hoping to get out of it with just installing a New module and
> forgeting about trying to install the Holley pump to get my Co-workers off
> my back and my Family OUT OF MY HAIR!
I can see that. I hate it when everyone gets on my back about something.
> Everyone kept asking why install the Holley in a perfectly good working
> to start with, none of them are willing to accept what I was doing as
> anything other than stupid....
> I have a number of closed minded family and local nieghbors so when I'm
> planning one these projects I have no one to ask for help because of this
> attitude they have.
I don't understand, why are they closed minded about what you're doing?
It's your vehicle, you can do with it what you want, it doesn't affect them
one bit (other than having to hear your loud exhaust).
> I would have liked to of sent it to the shop I ended up going to in the
> first place, but that would have required trying to get a ride to and from
> the shop to leave it and pick it up after they were done.............No
> willing to do that!......it would take up there precious time! I asked
> first!
Sorry to hear it. People like that make me mad. It's not like you're
asking for their first born, all it would take is a little time and fuel.
> I rarely open the hood on my Dakota anymore at work, or any place other
> my garage or at the local hang-out on Friday night.........iF I do , I get
> "what the HELL IS THAT FOR!?" (pointing at the Blower and air intake)
> a waste of money and time!" or "That S%!&'s going to Blow that truck
> up.......you Dumb #$%^@ !" .........or the classic line I hear constantly!
> "You've ruined a perfectly good 4WD with your non-sense BS under that
You technically haven't ruined anything. It still runs and drives, and
being a 4x4, you could still take it offroad if you wanted to. Maybe
they're jealous because your truck is nicer?
> That's why..........In a Nut shell.....I get NO respect or help from
> unless it serves a purpose that benefits them!
> I don't care what they think of me or my project, I'm still going to
> it the way I want it!
That's the important part. I got all sorts of flack from my friends (except
the gearhead ones) and parents when I did my mustang. They harassed me
because I was dumping countless thousands into a car that was almost 10
years old already, they had no concept of what I was trying to do with it.
My mom always hated it, but my dad loved the thing once it was finished. He
was always offering to swap vehicles for the day, and since he drives a
convertable, I was all over that. (Convertables = teh hotness.) Anyway,
enough off topic banter... I hope that all ends well, and that you can
persevere through the hassles to complete your truck the way that you want
it. The finish will be everything you hope it can be - or at least it was
for me. Hopefully you share that feeling.
-- - Josh Lowered 2000 Dakota CC 3.9L www.geocities.com/lenny187/dakota.html www.omg-stfu.com
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