If it has plastic tanks its not worth fixing.I've seen new units on ebay for
135.00 (buy it now) if you can wait.If you can get your shroud out of the
way its an easy replacement.Those cooler lines should have hose clamps on
the radiator end. Good time to replace your hoses and thermostat.
>From: "A. S." <adakota4x4@hotmail.com>
>Reply-To: dakota-truck@dakota-truck.net
>To: dakota-truck@dakota-truck.net
>Subject: DML: Gen-II Radiator Replacement
>Date: Tue, 18 May 2004 01:52:31 +0000
>Made a stop on the way home from work today only to come back to the truck
>to find a puddle of antifreeze on the ground. I popped the hood to make
>sure there wasn't anything obviously wrong (hose off or something) and
>decided to make the 5 mile trip home. After further inspection at home, I
>found a fast drip of antifreeze coming from the top left corner of the
>radiator. I haven't had time to look at it any more, so I'll be driving
>something else in to work until I can fix it.
>I assume the radiator will need to be replaced, or can these be fixed? I'm
>not exactly sure where the leak is...just know it's dripping from the top
>How hard is it to swap in a new one? Is there anything besides the
>upper/lower hoses and the transmission lines in and out? Do I replace the
>crimped hose fitting used on the transimission lines with new hoses and
>regular hose clamps?
>Any help would be great.
>95 DSRC 4x4 V6
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