Re: Today's gas prices

From: Jon N. Benignus (
Date: Wed May 19 2004 - 19:25:11 EDT

on 5/19/04 9:30 AM, Jeff Durling at wrote:

> Not pointing fingers since it wold matter
> which party was in office, if they had a oil sensitive administration
> they would be the same way.

You must remember who Daddy Gore worked for and who had THOUSANDS of shares
in stock in the same company...yes, Daddy Gore worked for Occidental
Petroleum, owned by one Armand Hammer, a KNOWN KGB operative.
Algore wouldn't do anything to make money from oil if he had lots of stocks
in an oil company, would he? Funny...IIRC gas prices went way up during the
time Algore was in office, right?
Face it, oil is at an all time high, and that is the bottom line. If Bush
wanted to make money from oil, the price of oil would be low and the price
of gas would be high.
Some folks listen too much to the media and don't use their heads.
Connie still gets 45-47 mpg...I wonder what kind of mileage it would get on
REAL gas, and not this oxygenated swill we call gas now?


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