Grinding sound on left turns

Date: Fri Jun 11 2004 - 09:28:54 EDT

Ok gang here's a strange on that happened yesterday.
Was leaving work (8 hours from home, but that is another story), back out of
parking space and hear a sound like I hit something metallic gently. I
didn't but that is the best description of the sound. I get out and look
see nothing.

Continue on towards the hotel and get an awful grinding sound when I turn
LEFT only when LEFT.

Stop and look under the truck, look at all 4 wheels and see nothing
everything looks fine no dead bodies, no foreign objects etc. So I continue
to the hotel and check in and then head out to do a little more
investigation. Thinking the noise was from the right front wheel, I jack up
the truck and pull off the wheel everything looked good rotor spun nicely
bal joints felt ok. Using the calibrated fingertips I did note that 1 lug
might have been a little looser than the other 5.

Had a slight hiatus for a sudden thunderstorm accompanied by torrential down
pours and reinstalled the wheel, again using the calibrated fingers to
achieve 100 ft-pounds of torque...... ;-))

Went back to the room and showered, and when I came back out to go out for
supper the truck was happy again.

Could a loose lug nut have caused the noises?

Could I have mis located the sound by ear and it was in reality a parking
brake shoe hung up that freed itself?

Could it have been the clutches in the differential chattering?

The loose nut behind the steering wheel wants to know!!!

2003 CC 4x2 Dak v-6 stick shift

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