Rear end life, those that tow...
From: Curt Coulter (
Date: Mon Jun 14 2004 - 09:55:23 EDT
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Has anyone else had the rear end go out on their Dak? I've got a 2000
quad with the 3.92lsd, and it seems to be toast (waiting to hear from
dealer how much to fix). Sounds to me like the pinion bearing is bad,
after 62k miles.
I'm thinking of letting them just keep the darned thing and bringing home
a Ram 2500 5.7 5 speed.
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- Reply: Kyle Vanditmars: "Re: Rear end life, those that tow..."
- Reply: andy levy: "Re: Rear end life, those that tow..."
- Reply: Jon Slavic: "Re: Rear end life, those that tow..."
- Maybe reply: Pindell, Timothy: "RE: Rear end life, those that tow..."
- Reply: Robert Schultz: "Re: Rear end life, those that tow..."
- Maybe reply: Tony Cellana: "Re: Rear end life, those that tow..."
- Reply: BlackDak93: "Re: Rear end life, those that tow..."
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