Re: Update: RE: Rear end life, those that tow...

From: Michael Maskalans (
Date: Fri Jun 18 2004 - 14:51:12 EDT

On Jun 18, 2004, at 01:16, Curt Coulter wrote:

> How did it go? 70mph on the freeway, vibration got bad, KERBAM!,
> About like that. Grenaded in the real sense of the word, very little
> left.

sounds pretty familiar, Curt!

mine was along the lines of 75mph on the Ohio turnpike, vibe got worse,
I let off and started moving right, and it was like a bomb went off
under the truck. vibe vibe VIBE VIBE SHAKE BOOM! crash rattle
BANGBANGABANGBANGbangbang bang bang.

It completely broke the front output side off the case, and that was
coming up and hitting the bottom of the cab as it spun.

The only actual damage suffered was to the fluid pump pickup and the
housing - all my internals were completely fine, and I saved them for
just that reason.

Michael Maskalans             <>
mobile.612.618.4652   home.585.935.7129   fax.360.364.3930

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