"Neil W. Bellenger" <neil624b@rochester.rr.com> wrote:
: The Alabama trip is definitely off so there is no conflict with next
: weekend.
Glad to hear you will be there, Neil!
: I expect to be on the road by 8:30 Friday morning and will probably stay
: through mid-morning Sunday. This time I'm bringing the tent. The barn
: stays too bright, too noisy, and too warm until 0300 for someone of my
: advanced years.
Yep, bench grinders, hammering, air tools and 20 flourescent
bulbs *can* tend to cut into the ol' beauty sleep. :-) Of course,
as we learned last year, even worse things can happen if DMLers are
let out of the barn in the wee hours of the morning. ;-) At
least this year we have a DBDoMPfIWUMOT to prevent those sorts of
shenanigans. Just to be on the safe side though, perhaps I should
refrain from building any splash shields this year. :-)
See y'all next week! :-) (Good thing it wasn't this weekend,
its been raining something fierce, and projected to keep doing
the same all the way through Saturday.)
-- -Jon-.-- Jon Steiger ---- jon@dakota-truck.net or jon@jonsteiger.com --. | 1970 Barracuda - 1990 Dakota 'vert - 1992 Ram 4x4 - 1996 Dakota | | 1996 Intruder 1400 - 1996 Kolb FireFly - 2001 Ram QC 3500 CTD | `------------------------------------ http://www.jonsteiger.com --'
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