I'm going to keep it short because I have a long day ahead of me
tomarrow and I gotta get to sleep. Heres the jist.
I have been rebuilding Christine in preperation for the BBQ. The
majority of the work has been done in the last week or so. I have been
held up waiting for my friend to rebuild the transmission. Tonight I
got everything installed and hooked up - the engine runs - a bit
noisy... but it runs. The transmission does not work right. We don't
know why. I have reverse drive but NO FORWARD GEARS.
I'm getting up tomarrow and am pulling everything out again, and
peiceing together another transmission and installing it. This requires
dropping the front and rear drive shafts, transfercase, exhaust pipes,
torsion bars, and the transmission crossmember...... again...
I am going to the BBQ - and Christine will be with me once more.
FAILURE!!! IS!!! NOT!!! AN!!! OPTION!!!!!!!
-- -------------------------------------------------------------- ***** Countdown to 2004 DML BBQ - ONE FREAKING DAMNED DAY LEFT! *****Terrible Tom -- AIM & Yahoo Name: SilverEightynine http://members.aol.com/silvereightynine/
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