Guess, mpg
From: Andrew (
Date: Wed Jul 28 2004 - 19:09:16 EDT
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- Maybe reply: Tony Cellana: "Re: Guess, mpg"
- Maybe reply: Tony Cellana: "Re: Guess, mpg"
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Two weeks ago I watched the guy check my tire pressure, when the oil
was changed, paid 4 dollars extra for that 'deluxe' service. Yesterday I
checked it myself, only 20 lbs in 3 tyres! Where did it go??? (-:
I've been concerned my mileage was only 17.5.
Anyone want to guess how much of a difference 36 pounds in all 4 tyres
will be??
I am going on a trip in a few days, I will let you know next week what
the results are. But just for the fun of it, go ahead offer a few
guesses, all welcome. (-:
1993 Dakota, ex-cab, v-6, 390gearing-LS
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- Next message: Travis Bailey: "RE: FOR SALE AT DML BBQ 91 DAKOTA"
- Previous message: Brad Luellen: "Re: Water entry problem on '02 Dakota C/C"
- Next in thread: Jon N. Benignus: "Re: Guess, mpg"
- Reply: Jon N. Benignus: "Re: Guess, mpg"
- Reply: Michael Maskalans: "Re: Guess, mpg"
- Reply: andy levy: "Re: Guess, mpg"
- Maybe reply: Pindell, Timothy: "RE: Guess, mpg"
- Maybe reply: Tony Cellana: "Re: Guess, mpg"
- Maybe reply: Tony Cellana: "Re: Guess, mpg"
- Maybe reply: Tony Cellana: "Re: Guess, mpg"
- Maybe reply: "Re: Guess, mpg"
- Maybe reply: "Re: Guess, mpg"
- Maybe reply: Pindell, Timothy: "RE: Guess, mpg"
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