Josh Battles wrote:
> Ok, so I sit here rather shaken from probably the most eventful drive
> that I've ever had.
> On the way home from school tonight, all of the sudden at about 75mph,
> the truck stalls, so I pull over. It wouldn't start up at all, so I'm a
> little perturbed since I just got it back from the trans shop again and
> they changed my oil as well.... Naturally I'm thinking the worst.
> Fast forward to 10 minutes later as I'm driving and the speedo drops to
> zero, tack stays up at about 2k and the engine isn't running. I pop it
> into neutral and hit the key, the speedo jumps up to about 60, the
> engine starts, and I pop it back into drive and continue along my merry
> way. This happens probably about 5 or 6 more times along the way home.
> Also, the ABS light comes on intermittantly when this happens. I pull
> into my parking spot and the damn thing just about stalls, I figure WTF
> and just shut it off and come inside to fix myself a nice strong drink.
> I check everything, the oil looks good, trans fluid looks good, it'll
> start up like a champ now and runs nice and smooth.
> I'm thinking to myself that it's probably a VSS gone bad, but since it's
> now 22:50 and I've begun drinking, I'm in no mood to try and look up any
> information. This is where I turn to the DML for their opinion. If
> It's deemed a VSS, I'll probably stop at the dodge dealer and pick one
> up tomorrow on lunch. I've got to get this fixed before Wed though,
> another drive to/from school like this and I'll kill myself - just to
> get even with it.
WELLS Part #SU1034 3 MO Warranty AutoZone price $23.99
Not trying to promote AZ over another parts store or anything - but I
wouldn't go to teh dealer when you can get a Wells replacement for what
I'm sure is considerablly less cost than a Stealership.
Oddly enough, I got that above price quote from a store in Chicago, from
the web site. I checked at my store where I work - and we sell the same
part for $17.99. Gotta love regional price differences.
Could also be the crank position sensor. That is a possibility because
if they had to pull the tranny, there is a possibility it could have
been damaged - being that the sensor is right there by the fly wheel.
Crank Pos. Sensors can do lotsa funky stuff when they fail.
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------- Attention Infidels: I am your official DBDoMPfIWUMOT! Terrible Tom -- AIM & Yahoo Name: SilverEightynine
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