On Oct 12, 2004, at 9:45 AM, Josh Battles wrote:
> "Jeff Durling" <jdurling@bellsouth.net> wrote in message
>> OK, I read the other replies and agree with them. One thing to check
>> that is simple that will do what you were getting is the battery going
>> bad and not holding a proper charge. Usually when one of the cells
>> goes
>> bad. I know I have preached this in the past to check when you have
>> driving/ running issues but the PCM is very sensative to the correct
>> voltage being supplied to it. The battery has gone bad three times on
>> my '96 and twice it was a simple not wanting to start anymore, once it
>> was doing what you described.
> Really? Maybe I'll take and have the battery tested then. It is the
> original one in the truck, installed at the factory in July 99... I'd
> say I
> got my money's worth out of it if it's time to replace it.
Yeah, the PCM is picky. I noticed on mine when it did it it only took a
drop to 11.6 volts for it to start acting loopy. 11.4 volts will make
it nearly impossible to run. I could bump my battery (actually both
times) and somehow the truck would run fine again for a while. I know.
>> I also had my '96 do exactly what you described on one other occasion.
>> That turned out to be the ignition relay (after checking the battery,
>> of course). What it would do it heat up and then cause the truck to
>> throw idiot lights up and stall. Once it cooled for a few minutes it
>> would run fine again for a little bit and then repeat the whole thing
>> over. That one didn't have any pre-symptoms either, it just did it out
>> of the blue.
> I hadn't thought about this. How long would it take to heat/cool? It
> seems
> as though my problem was only during movement. I had no problems
> sitting
> and idling at all. Also, this morning I had no issues whatsoever on
> my way
> into work (about a 20 min drive) and I did nothing to the truck,
> hoping that
> I could get it to repeat itself and then check it out in the parking
> lot at
> work in the daylight. Nothing though, not even a stumble.
On mine it took about ten minutes to cool down before it would start.
At first it started acting like you described, where it would just
idle, but after a wile it would just plain die (speedo too). Pull over,
let it cool, and then it runs fine. Mine went from the first set of
symptoms to the worst set in about 20 miles of driving. I know that
because I was camping and it did this on the way home and took me an
hour and a half to do a 25 minutes drive. I may be way off here
(probably am) but it is something to check out.
Jeff Durling
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