Re: DML 10th Anniversary National Meet

Date: Mon Nov 29 2004 - 19:53:31 EST

Michael Maskalans <> wrote:
: On Nov 29, 2004, at 14:20, wrote:

:> Though another possibility in this area might be if we were to
:> find a paintball center where you can rent the equipment and
:> use their facility, etc. I think something like that is more
:> likely to come off than something we'd do on our own near the
:> campground.

: almost any paintball field with an affiliated store rents equipment.

  Yep - the issue is finding one. :-)

:> Another similar sport which is apparently huge in Japan is
:> Air Soft, they have really realistic guns and such, but I think
:> that's even more expensive than paintball. :-)

: you can get into airsoft with a cheapie spring action gun for $10.
: nice CO2 guns with decent balance can run upwards of $50, but on the
: whole probably a bit cheaper than paintball.

   Hmmm, I think we must have been looking at different guns. :-)
The ones I saw were based on actual weapons, with fairly realistic
heft. (1-3lb handguns, 6-15lb rifles) They started around $100-200
for the cheaper models, seemed to average $400-600 and some are
almost $3K. (For example, browse around in the AEG section of I remember thinking to myself "I could almost buy
the real thing for that!" :-P


.-- Jon Steiger ---- or --. | 1970 Barracuda - 1990 Dakota 'vert - 1992 Ram 4x4 - 1996 Dakota | | 1996 Intruder 1400 - 1996 Kolb FireFly - 2001 Ram QC 3500 CTD | `------------------------------------ --'

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