Re: Hey Maskalans...

From: Terrible Tom (
Date: Thu Dec 09 2004 - 23:15:51 EST

andy levy wrote:
> There's also the issue of pay. Perception is people with certs will want
> more money, whether the certs are relevant to the job or not. It's
> cheaper to hire a non-certified person, then get him the $3000 in
> training/exams to get certified. Similar to graduate degrees - a PhD
> will have trouble landing a job because it's believed that they'll
> demand more money, even if they'd be happy with the same salary someone
> with just a BS has.
> - --
> - -andy

Yet another thread I'm getting into late. Andy raised a good point here
and I have feeling on this subject too - because I too, am in a state
of "career flux".

Having been employed by a few big corporate companies in my short
employment history... I have learned too well that they are out for the
most money they can make in the least amount of time at the expense of
their employees. Blue collar workers are cannon fodder when it comes to
cost cutting in corporate america. My current employer is no different.

I recently threw my application at the University Of Wisconsin and am
still waiting to hear back from them. This brings me to a point - what
the hell good is it going to do me? I can't earn good pay without a
piece of paper that says I know what I'm going - but as many have
pointed out in this thread - those pieces of paper don't guarantee
anything! Andy's point of "those with the big ticket degrees are not
going to be touched because a company wants cheaper (dumber) labor" -
is highly valid. I think companies want high turn over rates so they can
keep employment costs down... even if it means having people in
positions they are incapable of handling.

I have no clue what job path I should pursue. If the jobs aren't in
technology anymore - where does one look for a job that can allow you to
live well? When the IT boom happened not so long ago - I thought yeah -
cool - I wanna get into that someday... since then - I look back and
think "damn - good thing I didn't rush into an education for that". I
guess my tangible only brain can't think outside its realm of "stuff
that I have done before" - - meaning if I haven't dipped my foot in a
particular pond - I don't even know that pond exists. Does that make
any sense?

So - - what now?

Footnote: Perhaps my horrible grammer and typing skills are to blame for
my low paying job record... the amount of typos Spell Check cought in
this post was humiliating!

Attention Infidels: I am your official DBDoMPfIWUMOT!
Terrible Tom -- AIM & Yahoo Name: SilverEightynine

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