Re: 2005 DML BBQ Dates

From: Walt@Walt-n-Ingrid.Com
Date: Sat Feb 26 2005 - 10:30:45 EST

In article <cvebq7$8uf$>, writes:

> Truth be told, however - doing something which subsequently
> causes a feature or action at the BBQ to be named after you is
> *usually* not healty for your vehicle. ;-)
> I'm sure I could come up with more examples given some time,
> but "Ranger Gulch" and "Adam Style" pop immediately to mind. ;-)
> Both of those items started rather early in BBQ history, I think
> maybe we are more jaded now. For example, I find it rather
> remarkable that as of yet, no feature name or adjective has
> resulted from Christine's little bath a couple of years ago.
> Ok, we have "Sonar O'Reilly"

That's Sonar "BambiBasher" O'Reilly. I'm still working on how to combine
"Squeals like a prom date when his truck disappears" into his name.

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