Out of that link, anyone happen to notice the one for "Golden" Dakota
On Thursday April 7 2005 7:08 pm, Josh Battles wrote:
> Jason Bleazard wrote:
> > Yeah, I agree. The rules in an organized campground might be kind of a
> > bummer, though. We'll probably have to just put up with some level of
> > restrictions on noise level and bonfire size. But, I think we'll be
> > better off someplace where we can get cleaned up, especially if we think
> > we're going to want to be going in to town to check out museums or shops
> > or whatever other touristy thing we might decide to do.
> Definately. The rules don't really bother me much though, as long as
> we're "reasonable and prudent" I don't see any problems. We'll just
> have to make sure that the leprechaun dust stays at home for that trip.
> > Another thing to think about is Internet access. It would be kind of
> > cool to be able to set up a webcam or two and post real-time updates for
> > anyone who can't make it. I found a list of campgrounds that have
> > wireless access:
> > http://rvtravel.com/publish/ontheroad/wifiwest.shtml#co
> >
> > Although I have no idea how comprehensive or accurate that list is, it's
> > a good place to start.
> You know, I'd thought about intarwebnet access but then dismissed it as
> something that wasn't *really* important to me. Seriously, we're
> camping out... In a way it's kinda sad really, that we can't unplug for
> a week or so and just enjoy life. That's one of my favorite things
> about the BBQ, that there really isn't a sense of time or anything, just
> a bunch of people hanging out doing whatever. Besides, how much time do
> we really spend on the web at Jon's anyway?
> The only real use I could think of for this would be to post pics to the
> list or something, but if we don't have it that's more of an enticement
> for those who are iffy on attending, because there'll be no way to know
> what's going on.
--Bill Day
"A rich man isn't always wealthy, he just has all the love he can give and ever wanted.." http://counter.li.org #384146 284016
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