RE: RE: 3.9 Parts / 408 Question

From: James Calder (
Date: Thu Apr 21 2005 - 09:58:27 EDT

There is no difference between the Mopar Performance P5007709 tensioner and
Chrysler 53021195AA, correct? The MP is 8 bux cheaper!


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Bernd D.
Sent: Sunday, March 27, 2005 8:26 AM
Subject: DML: RE: 3.9 Parts / 408 Question

The correct tensioner is: 53021195AA.

On the engine gasket set, you can either use an aftermarket kit (FelPro
PermaTorque) or the Mopar. Head gaskets, intake, plenum, TB, waterpump, and
timing cover are all separate (don't forget the balancer seal and o-ring for
the heater tube).

Those plugs and t'stat are perfect for the V6.

On the slightly more aggressive cam, KRC performance has a CompCams grind
that works very well (run it myself) and gives you a rock solid "kick in the
pants" difference across the RPM band. With mildly ported heads and 3-angle
valve job (along with the 50mm TB)'ll definitely notice a strong
increase in performance. Have the heads milled slightly (along with the
intake to match) and some larger (.030" oversized) pistons...and you'll have
yourself a pretty stout V6.

Yes, the 58mm will be a tad too big and may even cause a noticeable loss in
bottom end TQ. If it's only going to be for a short time and you know that
the 408 will be built...go ahead and install it. Just be ready for a
different feel in acceleration.

- Bernd

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of James Calder
Sent: Saturday, March 26, 2005 3:38 PM
Subject: DML: 3.9 Parts / 408 Question

A few question regarding the rebuild of my friends 3.9:

Is p5007709 the correct chain tensioner #?
Is there a part number for a '93 3.9 teardown gasket set?
Any recommendations for a slightly more aggressive cam for a 3.9? The only
possible mods will be a ported V8 TB, K&N, and free flow muffler.
Is the 180 degree thermostat and Autolite 3923's beneficial for the 3.9?

The ported V8 TB is coming off my modded 318. I will install a F&B 58mm
onto the 318 for now which is intended for my upcoming 408, that is if I
ever receive the thing which was ordered 12/1/04, or even an answer when it
will come (but that's a different story and maybe this post may prompt a

I'm sure the 58mm is too big for my 318 but what kind of adverse effects can
I expect?


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