Re: Trouble codes

Date: Thu Jul 07 2005 - 15:26:22 EDT

One of the reasons for OBD-II was to standardize across all makes a code
convention and electrical interfaces. Now any P0xxx code will have the same
meaning regardless of manufacturer. P1xxx codes are addtional codes that the
manufacturers are allowed to create for addtional diagnostic capabilities.

Dave Clement
99 SLT+ CC 4x4

In article <dajo07$ef2$>, writes:
> wrote:
> : Jon, my experience with pre OBD-II mopars is the two digit code will
reflect an
> : issue with a particular circuit to further narrow it to the multiple
> : possibilities requires the use of other diagnotic tools (multi-meter or
> : dedicated sensor testor) and the FSM. Hooking up to a read out tool will
> : provide further refinement. The factory DRB tool besides reading the code
> : the capability to activate outputs of the computer such as activating an
> : solenoid. Also, the exact definition of the pre OBD-II code changed from
> : to year so the 37 code example for one year may deal with the temperature
> : sensor and another year the troque covertor.
> : The early OBD-II systems (my 97 Avenger for example) had the two digit key
> : on/off output, which could be further refined to an OBD-II code with a
> : scan tool. An example was my check engine light came on on the Avenger, the
> : on/off routine told me it was an O2 sensor. When I plugged it into my
> : scan tool I got a code for the rear bank upstream sensor.
> That's kind've a bummer. My "trouble codes" experience is only
> with OBD-II vehicles, so I assumed that the pre-OBD-II vehicles were
> the same where plugging in the scan tool would give you the exact
> error code. :-( Oh well.
> --
> -Jon-
> .-- Jon Steiger ---- or --.
> | 1970 Barracuda - 1990 Dakota 'vert - 1992 Ram 4x4 - 1996 Dakota |
> | 1996 Intruder 1400 - 1996 Kolb FireFly - 2001 Ram QC 3500 CTD |
> `------------------------------------ --'

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