Re: RE: RE: The dealer who sold me the Dak

From: Bill Pitz (
Date: Fri Aug 12 2005 - 21:09:37 EDT

Yep, it is indeed a gamble just like any kind of "insurance."

I'm reasonably sure that if you decline every extended warranty ever
offered to you, you still come out in the end. (i.e. it might cost you
a few thousand to fix your car that would have been covered otherwise,
but the difference can be made up by not buying extended warranties on
everything you own)

If I had extended to 60,000 miles, I think I probably would have broken
even. In another 10,000 miles I'll tell you if it would have been worth
it to extend to 75,000 :-)

The other thing to consider is that on used vehicles, these almost
always cost more (relative to what you get). If you can get a good deal
when you buy a new vehicle, it has a lot better chances of paying off
for you.

-Bill wrote:
> I bought the aftermarket "EasyCare" warranty and found that you had to meet
> a $100 deductible then they would send their inspectors to inspect if the
> claim was over $500. The warranty was $1800+ and I had some contamination
> in my brake fluid reservoir and they didn't cover the problem. I wasn't
> happy. Then, I had my rear end shear some teeth off in the differential and
> EasyCare paid for this. This cost $2200+ and they covered this right before
> the warranty expired, so yes, it is a gamble that may pay off in the long
> run or it might not? My 2 cents...
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> []
> Sent: Friday, August 12, 2005 9:46 AM
> To:
> Subject: DML: RE: The dealer who sold me the Dak
> wanted to know,if i wanted an "extended warranty"
> contract on mt truck.
> I'd like to know your feelings & what those of u have..
> " A Friend"
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