We have actually been coming up with solutions for just that...
One professor came up with a "Green" system like that...
Wind Power has been found to be pretty cost effective... Use wind power to
generate power for the equipment necessary to produce liquid nitrogen,
liquid oxygen, etc.
The Liquid O2 can be sold to hospitals, Welders(oxy-acet), etc
The liquid N2 can be stored in a large tank that requires only power for
pumping the LN2...
There are ways... We just have to be inventive on how we do it...
Tom "Slick" North
> Sounds like interesting work, but how do we "make" LN2 and
> how do we keep it cold? Same issues we face with most of the
> other alternatives (Hydrogen, electric cars, etc.) - energy
> needs to be converted somewhere, converting energy takes
> energy, and much of that "original" energy conversion is
> still done with fossil fuels - we're just relocating the "problem."
> I'd love to relieve our dependence upon forces outside our
> control for supplying energy, but can it be done safely and
> at a reasonable cost, and with public acceptance? We
> couldn't even convert something as trivial as how we measure
> things (metric system), I don't see a critical mass
> converting their personal energy supplies & use to non-fossil.
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