I had a 325iX for a while, great car. I couldn't pass up making $2500
profit on it though..
Bob Tom wrote:
> At 09:33 PM 8/31/05, you wrote:
>> ... (one that has been modified to reach ~60mph of course) ;-)
>> -Jon-
> Yep, would have to be modified to reach that. Maybe
> an EFI conversion ;-)
> IIRC (ha!), it's an BMW (hence the motorcyle look) and
> would reach near 35 mph on a level surface. Most of the ones
> back then were in the 20 mph range. All I know is that
> I would occasionally ride into the high school that I taught
> at (a 45 min. drive by car) and everyone but everyone
> was passing me on the 30 mph speed limit route that
> I took :-)
> At least now, whenever I'm asked if I've ever owned a Bimmer,
> I can truthfully say YES >:-}
> Bob
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