RE: RE: DML Gas Prices

From: Pindell, Tim (
Date: Mon Sep 19 2005 - 12:16:52 EDT

Let us not forget that we are the federal government. It isn't
something that has been foisted upon us by a foreign power. It would not
exist if we didn't put it there, nor would the laws that we have created
through it. We have only ourselves to blame if there is something we
don't like about it. If you don't like 'em, vote the bums out.

The laissez faire doctrine demands a great deal of faith in your fellow
citizens' ability to be responsible to his neighbors. That is a type of
trust that I don't have.


>-----Original Message-----
>From: [mailto:owner-dakota-
>] On Behalf Of
>Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2005 1:29 PM
>Subject: Re: DML: RE: DML Gas Prices
>"Rick Barnes" <> wrote:
>:droo <> wrote:
>:: There are plenty of good things that never would have ha[ppened in
>:: government didn't force it. That's not to say that everything they
>:: is a good idea as per your example.
>: There are plenty more good things that could happen if government
>: stay out of the way.
> Agreed. I'm of the opinion that the government is a pretty
>incompetent organization as a whole. Almost everything it does,
>it does poorly, and anything it decides to meddle with is inevitably
>worse off for it. (And that's when they are *trying* to do the right
>thing; mix in a dash of the inevitable corruption and politics and
>watch any semblance of proficiency go right out the window.) The
>(individual citizens) are what make the country work, and the
>needs to stay out of their way. IMHO, about the only things the gov't
>should be concerned with are national defense, enforcing the law and
>possibly coordination of essential services (infrastructure). In fact,
>there were many limitations placed on the federal government by the
>founding fathers to prevent it from oozing, aomeba-like, into areas it
>had no business being, gumming up the cogs of the national machine and
>trampling on the freedoms of its citizens. Unfortunately, over time
>these restrictions have been ignored, and so we find ourselves in our
>present situation where the government is prevalent in almost every
>aspect of our daily lives, and hardly anyone even seems to question it
>anymore. Most people probably don't know this, but almost everything
>the federal government does these days is in fact, unconstitutional!
> (What sad times are these when passing ruffians can say nee at
>will to old ladies...)
> -Jon-
> .-- Jon Steiger --- or --.
> | '70 Barracuda, '90 Dakota Convertible, '92 Ram 4x4, '96 Dakota |
> | '96 Intruder, '96 Kolb FireFly, '99 Cherokee, '01 Ram 3500 |
> `----------------------------------- --'

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