Just in a the few news casts since the threat of Rita and the evactuation
notice, you can tell a hell of a lot of difference in the class of people(I
didn't say it, you probably thought it, white and black) between Texas folks
and Louisiana folks. Also Texas is a big pro-gun self-defense state which I
give all the respect in the world too. I am very fortunate to not have to
deal with such a situation and truly feel for those that do, but bring your
ass into my residence with ill intent and I will unload.
DAK content:
Glad you got the truck moved, hate to see it damaged and good luck with the
storm. Hope your house remains standing and all that goodness.
On Friday September 23 2005 6:31 pm, Michael Clark wrote:
> Yep, Jon knows me pretty well! I've got the guns loaded up and just
> waiting for the first looters to make the mistake of coming around
> here. Texans don't put up with that lootin' crap! We had some minor
> incidents in the local supermarkets yesterday involving some evacuees
> from the freeway and the shoplifters were literally thrown out on
> their a$$ by the store owner in a not too gentle manner with threats
> to kill them if they came back.
> Winds are now picking up so I'm sure my satelite connection will go
> down in a few hours and who knows when the power will come back once
> it's knocked out. In the meantim I posted a few more pics. Got all
> the cars in the safest place given all the trees and the wind
> direction and as long as there are no spawned tornados everything
> should be fine.
> http://photos.mikeclark.net/thumbnails.php?album=8
> On 9/23/05, jon@dakota-truck.net <jon@dakota-truck.net> wrote:
> > As far as the aftermath goes, I *know* he has the
> > looters covered. ;-) Good luck, Mike!
> >
> >
> > --
> > -Jon-
> >
> > .-- Jon Steiger --- jon@dakota-truck.net or jon@jonsteiger.com --.
> >
> > | '70 Barracuda, '90 Dakota Convertible, '92 Ram 4x4, '96 Dakota |
> > | '96 Intruder, '96 Kolb FireFly, '99 Cherokee, '01 Ram 3500 |
> >
> > `----------------------------------- http://www.jonsteiger.com --'
> --
> --Mike
--Bill Day
"A rich man isn't always wealthy, he just has all the love he can give and ever wanted.." http://counter.li.org #384146 284016
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