Re: Do they make a 35 inch tall snow tire? heh

From: Terrible Tom (
Date: Fri Nov 18 2005 - 22:59:50 EST

Michael Maskalans wrote:

> you have too much air in your tires if you're having issues like that, I
> think. too much pressure isn't going to make them last any longer than
> too little...

You're the 2nd person to say that. I run them at about 40 PSI - based
on experiance with my last two sets of tires. when I had the Goodyear
MT's on there (were on the truck with the factory wheels when I bought
it), I checked the pressure one highway trip and saw them at 40 and
thoguht woah - overinflated. so I dropped it down to 35. Checked the
tire wear at the next rest area and they had already started wearing the
outer edges pretty bad. Bumped it back up to 40 and the tires wore
better again.

On the set of BFG's I jsut got rid of this summer, I also ran those at
40 PSI and had no problems with them. Those were smaller tires.

I've got 315/70/16... or was it 315/75/16?? on there now - the tire
footprints are much more curved because of a wider tire on a narrower
wheel. I suppose I could run them lower PSI and have no problems. I'll
admit I've been keeping them up that high for better fuel economy. Yeah
go laugh at that one :-P

> BFG all terrain is a fantastic snow tire, lots of edges to cut into
> snow/slush for traction and they clean out fine in snow. nothing but
> studs will help you on ice though.

Snow yeah - ice?? heh like you sai - nothing short of studs will help
with ice. And ice is exactly what almost sent me into a ditch. There
was no snow. What happened was the storm started out as rain - turned
to snow, and then froze to the roads. It would have seemed that the DOT
trucks had not salted enough.

> you're also overly paranoid about using your 4x4. the place it stresses
> is the chain in the transfer case, and the support bearings in there.
> unless you're making tight turns the tire slip you have is plenty to take
> care of stresses. when you feel it bucking and binding is when it's
> really a problem.

Yeah I figured you would tell me that heh. Granted - I'll admit the
bearing I broke happened after I drove christine around in 4Hi for three
days on dry pavement after a snow storm. heh. Thats also what probably
  ate up my side and spider gears up front :)

Why did I do that? Drove with the 4x4 indicator lights disconnected.
Forgot it was in gear. I've done dumber things as you all know.

> btw - with regard to you other message about wanting an Atlas, there are
> *far* cheaper swaps that you can twin stick, like an NP205 that you can
> score for $75-$250 and adapt to your transmission with parts from Advance
> Adaptors and just bolt in, I'd bet (though I haven't checked) or you could
> take a milage hit and get an NP203 for free-$50 since no one wants them,
> and have fulltime high range-locked high range-nuetral-locked low
> range.....

Mmm I've wanted one of the cases that are in the Jeeps - that allows for
2 hi, 4 hi full time - 4 hi locked - 4 lo locked... I believe thats the
jeep "Command Trac"? Or was it the Selec-Trac"? Those should mate up
to the auto trannies shouldnt they? as the Grand Cherokee used the 318
and the 360.

> MikeM
> my Dakota has that Jeep thing =(

Ok - elaborate... what does that mean??

Rocks are for skipping... I'm all about the mud
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