> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bob Tom
> My needle is just a tad below where I expect it to be on my latest swap.
> I probably should put the scanner on and see what temp. the coolant
> reaches :-P
Just FYI, but a scanner may be reporting a lower than actual coolant
temperature. In my Dak I have a digital water temp gauge and a 180
thermostat. The digital gauge shows the TS opens at 182 and remains
between 179 and 183 during normal driving. Meanwhile my scanner ALWAYS
shows the coolant temp as being 5-7 degrees COOLER! I've tried new
coolant temp sensors and thermostats from various sources and it made no
difference. The two temp sensors are adjacent to one another in the intake
manifold water passage. In this case I trust my digital gauge and have no
explanation for why the scanner indicates a lower temp.
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