TE04 is only the exhuast side specification for the turbo. What is the inlet
side? 10A? 8A. I have a Conquest TSI (2.6l I4) and the factory mitsu trubo
for those was a 12A-TDO5. Look at the inlet housing and see what the first
part is.
The TD vs TE is the design of the exhuast housing and the ## part is the size
of the exhuast housing. A mildly modded 2.6l can be choked by an 05 housing
so I imagine a 04 housing will be pretty restrictive on an 2.5l
> On Wed, December 21, 2005 3:24 pm, Michael Maskalans wrote:
> >>
> >> I bought it from Tim Pindell on Sunday. It's the 2.5 NA but I just
> >> purchased
> >> a TII head with the intake (2-piece) and exhaust manifolds, along with a
> >> TE04
> >> turbo, for $50..... You never know what'll happen.
> >
> > impressive. I like scores like that.
> Yeah, that's what I said. It came off of a running vehicle so it's all good,
> but apparently the turbo could be "better." The only bummer is that the 87
> TBI 2.5L is pre common-block so it's got a 12mm taller deck height. If I
> were to turbo this block I'd have to reuse the stock rods which are 6mm
> longer and not quite as beefy as the turbo units. I'm researching what would
> happen if I carved the 12mm off of it, and if it's all bad things I'll
> probably just source a CB and go from there. It's not like parts for these
> cars are expensive...
> > also impressively good for-sale pics from Tim.
> Indeed! The pics accurately depict the condition of the vehicle, which is a
> first for me. Usually everyone takes pics that make it look good when
> they're trying to sell it, not spend many messages going back and forth
> talking about flaws and such. Tim made it easy on me for sure. Thanks Tim!
> --
> - Josh
> www.omg-stfu.com
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