Re: Door alignment on a GEN III

From: Josh Battles (
Date: Thu Jan 26 2006 - 16:40:50 EST

On Thu, January 26, 2006 9:31 am, Miles D. Oliver wrote:
> I can try bracing/binding the inside of the hinge with a block of wood
> and pushing the door shut to force the raised area of the door back flat.
> Taking off the door will probably yeild a more successful attempt as I
> don't know if I can force the door plate back totally flat by just binding
> the hinge with a block of wood.
> Any thoughts or flaws that I may have missed in my logic to try and get
> the door to once again seal properly?

I'd take the door off. If you try the block of wood and brute force method
you may actually do more damage to the area.

- Josh

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