FW: Belly pan

From: Zito, James A \(GE Infra, Energy\) (james.zito@ps.ge.com)
Date: Mon Mar 20 2006 - 11:27:10 EST

Well as I was changing the oil on the Dakota ('03 3.9), I noticed some oil on the breather hose coming out of the air hat. So I popped the hat and looked down the TB it looked "moist," no big puddle but "damp." I tried to snap a couple digital pictures but they didn't come out worth a damn.

So the question is have I blown the dreaded belly pan? If so what all do I need to buy to replace it? The stinking truck is about 3k past the powertrain warranty.....;-(((((((((((

03 CC dak missing 2 pistons....

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