Kitchen Table? Nice, sounds like my old apartment where I had a engine
building room, which some people might actually call a kitchen.
Mark Kuzia
1998 Dak 5.2L 5-spd
----- Original Message -----
From: "Josh Battles" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, March 20, 2006 1:32 PM
Subject: Re: DML: FW: Belly pan
> On Mon, March 20, 2006 10:27 am, Zito, James A \(GE Infra, Energy\) wrote:
>> Well as I was changing the oil on the Dakota ('03 3.9), I noticed some
>> oil on
>> the breather hose coming out of the air hat. So I popped the hat and
>> looked
>> down the TB it looked "moist," no big puddle but "damp." I tried to
>> snap a
>> couple digital pictures but they didn't come out worth a damn.
>> So the question is have I blown the dreaded belly pan? If so what all do
>> I
>> need to buy to replace it? The stinking truck is about 3k past the
>> powertrain warranty.....;-(((((((((((
> It should be dry with perhaps a slight film, if there's "moist" anywhere
> I'd
> think that it was blown. Are you consuming any oil?
> It's not all that difficult to replace, it'll cost you about $80 in parts
> at
> the dealer, (for a V8) less if you go to one of the chain stores. It'll
> probably be even cheaper with the V6 since you don't have to buy as many
> bolts. While you're in there replace the heater bypass hose, it's not
> easy
> to get to and you have to remove it to do the job anyway... It's $3 so
> it's
> cheap insurance. I actually have one sitting on my kitchen table that I
> don't need...
> Working on it for about 2 - 3 hours per day it took me about 2.5 days
> total
> with handtools. I would recommend removing the fuel feed line at the rail
> instead of pulling the rail. It's quick and easy to remove, much faster
> than
> pulling all the injectors IMO.
> --
> - Josh
> This message has been brought to you by the American Kneejerk Coalition
> for
> Equality, Compassion, and the Restoration of Karmic Unity of Self And
> Other
> Silly Hippy Happy-Swell Gayness Bullshit, or AKCECRKUSAOSHHSGB for short.
> .
> .
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