Hey wait a minute, i've heard of this scam before...
I send you money and then my goldfish ends up pregnant, and my cat is
completely shaved!!!!
(That original email was SUPPOSED to go to just Jon....)
The Adam Blaster
Two words, figure it out.....
>From: "Andy Levy" <andy.levy@gmail.com>
>Reply-To: dakota-truck@dakota-truck.net
>To: dakota-truck@dakota-truck.net
>Subject: Re: DML: Get the cheque yet?
>Date: Tue, 9 May 2006 13:16:19 -0400
>On 5/9/06, Mr. Plow <adam_is_mr_plow@hotmail.com> wrote:
>>Just wondering if you've gotten that cheque for the camp site yet?
>Not yet. Please send another, made out to me personally, for $100
>over the required amount. I will cash the check, and send you the
>$100 back via Western Union.
| Make your plans NOW to attend the National DML Meet in Colorado! |
| Date: July 15-23, 2006 - More info: http://meet.dakota-truck.net |
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