Re: Longevity of the 4.7???

From: \ (
Date: Thu May 11 2006 - 14:26:25 EDT

Even though i bought my latest one at 84,000 from the
dealer,and she has 93,000 miles on her know,i know
that when i step on the gas,that 4.7 takes off..

Cleaned the clock of a Ford Mustang owner(mustabeen
about a 97-99 Mustang).I know he had the 5.0 in it...

Had him by the time i got to 3rd gear,and all the way
up to 85.The 4.7 never let me down. Plus i dropped the
hammer the other night to merge.Had a guy who wouldnt
let me in..Was running 55 on the ramp,dropped the
hammer,by the time i merged in front of the jerk,i
looked down at my speedo reading 95!

She aint the General Lee but she sure can run...---
Bill Pitz <> wrote:

> Mr. Plow wrote:
> >
> > I didn't have my Dak long enough to determine how
> well the 4.7 engine
> > would hold up after a lot of miles.
> > Who all has this engine in their Dak, how many
> miles/kilometers and what
> > kind of problems have there been?
> I've got relatively few miles on my 2000, about
> 72,000. Only
> engine-related repair was the power steering
> pressure switch, which I
> just replaced a few weeks ago. Everything else has
> been scheduled
> maintenance or repairs relating to non-engine
> components (stupid blower
> motor, door lock actuator, ball joint recall,
> etc...). Overall, though,
> the truck still feels like it's got a lot of life
> left in it.
> Especially engine-wise.
> Unfortunately, I probably won't find out for quite a
> while as I think
> the Dak is about to be retired as my daily driver.
> I still love driving
> it every bit as much as I did 6 years ago when I
> bought it, but it's
> just not practical enough to drive on a daily basis
> anymore. Plus, I'm
> hoping that I can squeeze another 6 years out with
> no major issues if I
> only drive it once every week or two. :-)
> That being said, anyone have any recommendations on
> maintenance
> precautions to take for a vehicle that isn't driven
> too often? I want
> to make sure that it lasts, otherwise I might as
> well just trade it in now.
> -Bill
> .
> .
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David Digney "Digger"


00' Dakota Quad Cab 4x4 "Blue Thunder"

4.7 V8, 45RFE,3.55 LSD

Intense Blue/Driftwood Satin

David Digney (Digger)
00' Dakota Quad Cab 4x4

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| Make your plans NOW to attend the National DML Meet in Colorado! |
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