I really wish some of the Dakota meets were in/around
Chicago.It would only be a 150 mile run for us.We
simply dont have the time/money to drive 600+ miles
one way to an event...We arent like most of the 'suit
& tie" dudes on here
We have been going to car/truck showshere in
Wisconsin.Did 4 shows in July.Came home with 4
BTW,our 00'Dakota Quad Cab 4x4 "Bad Attitude" turned
100,000 miles.....
David & Judy Digney
--- jon@dakota-truck.net wrote:
> After a careful review of everybody's posts
> regarding
> Daktoberfest, it looks to me like the best date
> would be
> Friday and Saturday, October 27-28. That was the
> only
> weekend where everybody who posted could make it,
> with
> the possible exception of Mike who isn't sure yet,
> but who
> said that even if that date is a conflict, he would
> still be
> able to get out here for part of it. On each of the
> other
> weekends, there was at least one person who wouldn't
> be able
> to make it for sure, so I figured that last weekend
> where
> there was only one potential conflict, and only a
> partial
> conflict at that, seemed to be the logical choice.
> So I guess unless I goofed something up and there
> are any
> objections, lets shoot for the last weekend in
> October - Friday
> the 27th and Saturday the 28th...
> --
> -Jon-
> .- Jon Steiger -- jon@dakota-truck.net or
> jon@jonsteiger.com -.
> | '96 Kolb Firefly, '96 Suzuki Intruder,
> Miscellaneous Mopars |
> `--------------------------------
> http://www.jonsteiger.com --'
David Digney "Digger"
00' Dakota Quad Cab 4x4 "Blue Thunder"
4.7 V8, 45RFE,3.55 LSD
Intense Blue/Driftwood Satin
David Digney (Digger)
00' Dakota Quad Cab 4x4
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